As I write about Loving oneself, I remember my journey. It’s been a mix of good times and challenging times, but one thing always stood out: the importance of self-love.
We hear “love yourself” a lot, but what does it truly mean? To me, it’s not about being selfish or overly proud. It’s about accepting and liking who you are, including your mistakes and imperfections. It’s about realising that you deserve love and kindness, not just from others but from yourself.

We all have things we are not perfect at, and that’s okay. Those imperfections are part of what makes us special. We all are imperfectly perfect, and that is perfectly alright. We need to learn to embrace our perfection.
Loving yourself is a journey that takes time, and in this journey, We often make mistakes and forget that we can’t change what’s already happened. We should learn to let go of past mistakes and move forward.
Why be scared of making mistakes? Why be anxious about how others might see you or what they might think of you? It’s not other people’s views of you that make you. It’s your views that make you. So, praise yourself more and be kind to yourself.

I believe before loving other people, one should learn how to love themselves. One who does not love himself cannot love others. Self-love is extremely important. There’s a saying that,  you can never pour from an empty jug, no matter how much you try. Just like that is our heart, if it’s empty, you won’t be able to give anyone anything.
Before loving others, fill your heart with love. When we talk about the heart being full, it is the love of our parents, family and friends, and most importantly, love for yourself. If you hate yourself and don’t love yourself, you are also hating God.
Self-love is crucial to loving others, so start the journey of Self-love and let it change your life in amazing ways you might not expect.

Sakshi Tiwari
PGDM Marketing

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