How Technology Fuels the Fear of Missing Out

Technology plays an essential role in our lives or we can say that it has become a part of our life. From waking up from our bed to going to sleep we are all the time surrounded by technology. Technology makes our lives simpler, better and more manageable.

Technology has many positive sides, but many times it creates FOMO in the minds of the people. FOMO is the abbreviation of Fear Of Missing Out, as the line expresses from itself that it means having a fear of not being present or not having something at a particular moment. It is a fear of regret that may lead to concerns that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, a memorable event, or a profitable investment. It is connected with the things that others are doing and you are not. FOMO is never a good thing; it will create stress, tension, anxiety and many more mental sickness.

When we talk about technology, social media has a large contribution in creating this FOMO. In today’s time, many people spend most of their free time on social media to refresh their minds but sadly this does not always happen. We often see people get jealous by seeing the photos and videos of their friends or family enjoying themselves. In contrast, they do not get the opportunity to enjoy it, maybe because of their study or job or something else and it creates FOMO inside their mind, they start blaming themselves for this, which was not a scene when social media is not very popular. People also create FOMO by seeing the dressing sense of other people or some influencers on social media platforms, they try to find out why they do not have all these things.

Technology has reached such an extent that every day we see a new gadget launched or a new technology being introduced. Smartphone companies launch their phones so frequently with new features that make the old one obsolete. All these products are launched to target young people because they get influenced very easily. Due to which, the people who do not have that product feel the FOMO of not having it and try to buy it. But here the main agenda of the company comes into play that’s to create FOMO  among the people as their market strategy so that they can sell their products as it becomes easy for them to do so.

I thought that many readers must be able to connect everything with themselves. I just want to tell all of them that if you do not have something then accept it because there must be something that you have that others do not, and always remember that people put all their happy moments on social media and not the bad ones. So, we can’t remove this FOMO from our minds but it is our responsibility to reduce it to such a low level that it does not get the authoritative right to affect our mental peace.

Ashank Kumar
Batch 2023-25


As I write about Loving oneself, I remember my journey. It’s been a mix of good times and challenging times, but one thing always stood out: the importance of self-love.
We hear “love yourself” a lot, but what does it truly mean? To me, it’s not about being selfish or overly proud. It’s about accepting and liking who you are, including your mistakes and imperfections. It’s about realising that you deserve love and kindness, not just from others but from yourself.

We all have things we are not perfect at, and that’s okay. Those imperfections are part of what makes us special. We all are imperfectly perfect, and that is perfectly alright. We need to learn to embrace our perfection.
Loving yourself is a journey that takes time, and in this journey, We often make mistakes and forget that we can’t change what’s already happened. We should learn to let go of past mistakes and move forward.
Why be scared of making mistakes? Why be anxious about how others might see you or what they might think of you? It’s not other people’s views of you that make you. It’s your views that make you. So, praise yourself more and be kind to yourself.

I believe before loving other people, one should learn how to love themselves. One who does not love himself cannot love others. Self-love is extremely important. There’s a saying that,  you can never pour from an empty jug, no matter how much you try. Just like that is our heart, if it’s empty, you won’t be able to give anyone anything.
Before loving others, fill your heart with love. When we talk about the heart being full, it is the love of our parents, family and friends, and most importantly, love for yourself. If you hate yourself and don’t love yourself, you are also hating God.
Self-love is crucial to loving others, so start the journey of Self-love and let it change your life in amazing ways you might not expect.

Sakshi Tiwari
PGDM Marketing

Embracing Uniqueness: Navigating the Terrain of Boldness and Beauty

Emma Watson’s portrayal of the clever and attractive Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series is truly something we hold in high regard. She truly stands out. However, what distinguishes her isn’t solely her stunning appearance; it’s something more profound. Emma Watson is remarkable because of her assertiveness and fearlessness. These qualities set her apart and make her special.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic. Coco Chanel once famously stated, “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” However, our understanding of “beauty” has often been misconstrued. Do you believe you’re beautiful if no one ever tells you so? Do you worry that gaining a few extra pounds would diminish your beauty? If your answer is yes, then you’ve misunderstood the concept of beauty.

According to the renowned Persian poet Rumi, “It is not the hair, it is not the skin, it is the soul that lives within.” Now, you might wonder if discussing boldness is appropriate when we haven’t fully grasped the concept of “beauty.” I believe it’s perfectly acceptable, as these two ideas intersect.

Taking a bold step involves standing up against injustice, stepping out of your comfort zone, and positively impacting the world. To accomplish this, we need beautiful souls, not just what society considers beautiful, but that inner charisma that radiates from within.

When we have the confidence to express our thoughts and opinions to the world, we become both bold and beautiful. The boundary between the two is not well-defined; it’s rather blurred.

Boldness can lead to positive transformations, personal development, and societal change, whereas beauty is often subjective, superficial, and fleeting. The key element in all of this is you. What you perceive as beautiful may differ from someone else’s perspective, but that doesn’t invalidate its beauty; it’s merely a matter of individual perspective.

It’s crucial to recognize and embrace our differences. Being different isn’t a negative trait; it signifies the courage to be authentic and true to yourself. So, always remember to be yourself.

Oritra Chakraborty
Batch 2023 – 25